SRF cooperation & First Inkubator lessons

Today, the second part of our SRF cooperation took place. We all had to present our concepts that we started developing the week before. Our team: René Krebs, David Krummenacher and me. Our concept made it to the next round! Let’s see what happens now :)
Thanks Noël Wierema for creating our mockup!


In the afternoon I flited over to the Inkubator to join my very first lesson. I was expecting a chilled afternoon, quietly listening to an input about Businessmodels. I was wrong. All the Incubatees had to present their projects and answer the following questions:
– What am I doing?
– Who is my customer and what is my USP?
– How do I achieve my goal?
– How do I earn money?
– Who is my team?
– What’s the current state of the project?
“Ok people, 10 minutes to prepare your presentation, then we’ll start”. Just sitting there, completly unprepared, trying not to freak out, I decided to just talk and explain my project a bit. The resonance was pretty good (to my relief) and we kept discussing the Swiss (games) industry for quite a while.
Here you see two  of the other project pitches of Konzertschneiderei and WormUp. I’m a big fan of OpinionGames, a game series for political opinion making.

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I was also running around, organizing stuff for the Tower Offense tournament tomorrow at the Spielhalle Oslo in Basel. You’re all very welcome to join and participate in the tournament! You’ll see more of that tomorrow :D

My first 3D print

After todays workshop introduction our class is now officially allowed to use the Low-Tec machines. This includes the Laser Cutter and the awesome 3D printers!
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My first 3D print ever! Tools used: Tinkercad, Cura


Also, I’m very pleased to announce that our game Niche was chosen to be exhibited at the Norwich Gaming Festvial next month! I’ve never been to the UK before. A dear friend of mine, Tom Kail who is also part of the Playful Oasis team, invited to stay at his place :)

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Arcade Fun!

My morning was spent mostly organizing stuff and answering mails while sitting on our balcony and enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather. In the afternoon, the game design master student met up to play a board game about “programming your robot and reach the goal” in the ETH cafeteria.
We didn’t finish the round because we had to leave early to go toooooooo….

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the Outlane! Check out all these cool pinball and arcade mashines :D
After a brief history and technical insight we were free to play all the games. Fun fun fun!

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A nice surprise was waiting for me back home. Unity 5 has been released! I downloaded it right away and tried to update Niche. It worked without any issues. Unfortunately the feature I was looking forward to the most (the HTML5 export with WebGL) didn’t work for me. Have to investigate the issue!
Also, I bought a plugin called Shader Forge and will play around with it soon.
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I waaannaaa be at GDC

Here I am, sitting in a classroom listening to a lesson about scientific writting. That’s nice and all but I feel that I should be somewhere else right now. I should be at the GDC! Meeting lots of fellow game developers from all over the world, networking, making friends. This feeling will be haunting me the whole week I guess, until the GDC is over. Next year, I’ll go there FOR SURE!
Well, dispite all the daydreaming the writing lesson was pretty decent. We even got to draw a bit :D


In the afternoon I headed over to the Inkubator for our Kick-Off meeting. All the Incubatees gathered to welcome the newcomers (including me) and everyone explained their projects briefly. My first semester in the Inkubator will be spent on gathering data about the Swiss games industry. Let me know if you want to help with that :)


I almost missed the deadline for the “Call for Transmedia Projects“.
There is an idea that has been floating around in my head for a while. If you take Niche and add a functionality to trade animals, you could simulate a fictional species, living in the internet. In the beginning only a few animals will be given to players (ex. 100 total). The players can then breed them and send them to friends. Animals can die (as they do in Niche) because of hunger, events, old age and so on. If all animals die, the game is over, FOR EVER! The species has become extinct and the game can never be played again.


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Workshop Chocolate Tower Llama day??

After a quick trip to the printer’s shop (you’ll see the result a bit later) I joined Gian and Robin at the Capsule Games office. It was a very entertaining morning with lots of joking and fun. Gian took care of the background music, mixing dupstep with funny goat sounds and Beethoven. My time was mostly spent building up the playtester group for Tower Offense.


In the afternoon, we (the game design master & 4. semester bachelor students) had a workshop together with the SRF. In a short session we had to develop a concept for a planned format. The first round was completely open in terms of projects size and cost. In the second round, we had to take financial restrictions into account.

Heading back to Capsule Games, I picked up the finished materials from the printer’s shop on the way. And here you see the result: Chocolate paper for the SGDA. I’m pretty happy with how it turned out and hope it will be a helpful goodie at the GDC.
Before heading home, Robin gave me a quick program structure crash course to help me with my refactoring problems. Thanks Robin ^^


My life is crazy…
I was peacefully reworking the Niche code, applying the structures Robin taugth me earlier. Suddenly Patrick, the guy from told me about a “llama Jam” which seemed to be happening on Twitter. The whole ruckus was started by two Llamas that went loose in Arizona. We agreed that we should host the Jam on Playful Oasis. Let’s see how many people will participate :)
Do YOU like Game Jams and Llamas?




Presentations all day

Presentation day! All game design master students (1. & 3. semester) had to present their projects today. For the 3. semester this meant showing us what they worked on the last two semesters and their final goals until their graduation. Here we see Diego presenting his project “Kratos”, a not so serious Serious Game ;)

The 1. semster had to present their ideas and goals. Andis master topic is… SEX! OMG! Sex in games to be more precise. If you want to follow this project, head over to his blog.

I had to leave early (Sorry!) and head over to the ZHdK Inkubator for a meeting. The entry ceremony for the new “Incubatees” (including me) will take place next week. I’m really looking forward to all the business inputs/lessons and hope they will be a solid foundation for my master thesis.
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Meetings and Mau-Mau

After some rather informative lessons during the last two days, today shit got real.
All game design master students (1. & 3. semester) got together to introduce themselves and analyse some game mechanics. We started of with a simple little finger pointing game which we had to interrupt because of a mysterious alarm inside the school. Although our school has already achieved nationwide fame for its false amok alarms, we fled the scene.
We ended up in a restaurant / bar called sphères, where we analysed the mechanics of Mau-Mau.
Interesting fact: About half the group didn’t know how to play Mau-Mau (me included).


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After the end of the schoolday, we had a group meeting for our game Niche – a genetics survival game.
We mostly discussed possible improvements and new features.
Better organisation and tracking were also a big topic. Lots of things to improve!
Beat (our Sound Desiger) even helped me fix my stupid delegate bug, hurray :D


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ETH cooperation & Pecha Kucha

The second day of my game design master has come to an end.
In the morning we were introduced to the structures of our common design classes and saw a few presentation about potential projects to work on for our master thesis.
In the afternoon things got really interesting, when we headed over to the ETH.
This year, the game design master students are joining the ETH GameLab (for the first time). Which means that we will make games together in teams of four people.
A big public presentation and exhibition are awaiting us at the end of this collaboration.
I was especially happy about this years topic: Evolution. Yeeeeeah! Jackpot!
Can’t wait to start working on the prototype :D


After that we went back to the ZHdK to watch some Pecha Kucha (20 slides, each displayed 20 seconds) presentations from 3. semester master students.
The whole thing took place in the club Mehrspur which is a really nice spot right next to our school. There was an awesome apéro and after half of the presentations, they even figured out how to use the microphone :P


First day

Aaand the first day of my game design master studies is over.
Was great meeting all the other master students for the first time and hear a bit of what they’re up to.
In the afternoon we took a little “city discovery” tour. I’m not the biggest fan of events like that (especially if you’re a local anyways) but it was quite fun.
After a short Apéro I went home and published my first article on our news site about nature/biology games:
Playful Oasis :)
