Arcade Fun!

My morning was spent mostly organizing stuff and answering mails while sitting on our balcony and enjoying the beautiful, sunny weather. In the afternoon, the game design master student met up to play a board game about “programming your robot and reach the goal” in the ETH cafeteria.
We didn’t finish the round because we had to leave early to go toooooooo….

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the Outlane! Check out all these cool pinball and arcade mashines :D
After a brief history and technical insight we were free to play all the games. Fun fun fun!

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A nice surprise was waiting for me back home. Unity 5 has been released! I downloaded it right away and tried to update Niche. It worked without any issues. Unfortunately the feature I was looking forward to the most (the HTML5 export with WebGL) didn’t work for me. Have to investigate the issue!
Also, I bought a plugin called Shader Forge and will play around with it soon.
Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-04 um 08.57.12 Bildschirmfoto 2015-03-04 um 08.58.05