Capsule Games and SGDA

On Thursdays and Fridays all the master students have time to work on their master projects. Which means no school lessons, work where you want.
I spent most of the day at the Capsule Games office. Tower Offense (Capsule Games current project) is one of the games I’m supporting during the course of my master. My dear classmate Andi is the lead artist of the team.
The programmers are working hard to get the online multiplayer working. I’m currently trying to build up a small community around the game.
We are looking for playtesters and player feedback right now. If you’d be interested in trying the game, send us a mail.



Robin also introduced me to an awesome tool called Parse. I will definitly try it out for Niche. It can be used to track and store user data in a quick and easy way. And it even has an SDK for unity.


In the evening I went over to Bitforge for a meeting with the SGDA.
From today on, I will spend at least 4h a week to support this great initiative!
If you are a game developer from Switzerland, I highly recommend joining us.


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