Scrotum gegen Votum > Self Analysis

Today was “self-analysis” day. We had to fill out a lot of questionaires and received the evaluation for them. Seems I’m an enterpreneurial/artistic person, who would have taught that?? Sadly, another day without any big learnings. Just let me work on my master thesis!

After school, part of my class headed over to the “Kein Kino” event. Günther Freisinger from monochrom was the guest speaker today. Haha, we had a blast. Especially the groups art projects “Scrotum gegen Votum” (think twice before you click it), “Hellraumprojektor cumshot” and the one that made you eat your own blood as blood sausage were disgusting, but hilarious xD
I had to leave early unfortunately, so I didn’t watch the movie they showed after Günthers talk.
